Our offer

Classic & aesthetic dermatology, surgery, laser therapy, cosmetic treatments. Our specialists are there for you.


Dermatosurgery is a sub-specialty of dermatology that deals with the surgical treatment of skin tumours/skin cancer as well as aesthetic surgery.

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Classic dermatology

Classic dermatology deals with the structure, functioning and diseases of the skin and skin appendages (hair, nails, glands, etc.).

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Aesthetic dermatology

Our goal is to preserve and enhance natural beauty.

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Aesthetic surgery

Your well-being often correlates with your external appearance.

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Laser therapy

Laser therapy is used to sclerose small blood vessels, remove excess tissue or lighten discoloured skin. A variety of lasers also offer a wide range of anti-ageing treatments.

Let our specialists advise you individually.

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Your skin in safe hands

A new generation of daily skin care is here, a revolutionary advance in skin research, supported by innovative technologies.

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Medical cosmetics

Let us pamper you! We offer a wide range of medical cosmetic treatments. Be it an individual skin type consultation with adjustment of the optimal care or application of a cosmetic treatment – we will support you with your concerns by drawing on our years of experience and passion.

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