
Pract. med. Birgit Blöcker

FMH Dermatology and Venereology


German, English


  • Dermatology and venereology
  • Phlebology
  • Laser therapy

Studium & Laufbahn

  • Studied human medicine in Cologne
  • Doctor in phlebology in Hilden
  • Specialist training in dermatology in Wuppertal
  • Specialist in dermatology in Cologne-Frechen and Wangen im Allgäu
  • Since 2018 at the Dermis Dermatology Clinic in Bülach

Meine Vision

The skin contributes decisively to the external appearance and is also the largest organ of the human body and involved in all biochemical processes. This means that the skin should be given special attention and care. A healthy skin appearance is an expression of good care and the way we treat our own body in relation to a healthy lifestyle.

As is well known, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but a beautiful complexion always contributes to it.

Dermatologie/Chirurgie mit Leidenschaft

My passion as a dermatologist is first of all the treatment of skin diseases. However, it is also very exciting to optimise the well-being of each individual with all the technical possibilities that are available in dermatology.

Ausbildung & Werdegang

Practice, Dermis Dermatology Clinic Bülach

Dermatology practice Wangen im Allgäu (D)

Dermatology practice Drs Hundgeburt and Müller

Specialist examination in dermatology and venereology

Assistant Doctor Dermatology, Dermatological Clinic Wupperthal Barmen (D)

Assistant doctor, phlebology, Klinik im Park Hilden (D)

Study of human medicine and state examination, University of Cologne DE


  • RWDG: Rhineland-Westphalian Dermatological Society e.V.
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